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Investment Management

Fusion Practice Management System

Financial Software Inc.

Fusion Practice Management System is a fully integrated time and billingsoftware product for 20-500 attorney law firms. Written in 4GL usingProgress RDBMS, Fusion is fully client-server on Unix V.4, LAN-based andPC-DOS platforms. It uses an ANSI-standard SQL database. Fusion productline is Microsoft Windows 3.x compliant and incorporates Microsoft EXCELand graphics products. Modules include time and expense accounting, costrecovery, prebilling, billing, personal contact manager, marketing,general ledger, accounts payable, financial reporting, conflict ofinterest, and records management. In addition, Fusion provides optionalspreadsheet and graphical reporting tools.

Language: PROGRESS 4GL
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: PROGRESS RDBMS
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 2.1,2.2,2.4 Solaris x86 2.0,2.1

Financial Software Inc.
2036 Foulk Rd Suite 101 Foulkwood Building
Wilmington, DE 19810
Phone: (302) 475-5382
        (800) 523-1355
Fax: (302) 475-5315